Genre: Chiptune / Electronic / Gran Turismocore
From: San Francisco, California (USA)
Year: 2012
Quality: 320 Kbps
Track List
1. I Am Relentless
2. Skyline Cries
3. AM Limit Pusher
4. Incredible Simulations
5. Lightshow
6. What It Wouldn't Take
7. Celeste
8. Petrol Lounge
9. Worldview
10. Dracula
11. Visitor
12. October Fries
13. November
14. CLS2U
15. Panoramic Dusk
16. Skyline Smiles
1. I Am Relentless
2. Skyline Cries
3. AM Limit Pusher
4. Incredible Simulations
5. Lightshow
6. What It Wouldn't Take
7. Celeste
8. Petrol Lounge
9. Worldview
10. Dracula
11. Visitor
12. October Fries
13. November
14. CLS2U
15. Panoramic Dusk
16. Skyline Smiles
Check A Song: "Skyline Cries"(Youtube)
Another?: "Incredible Simulations"(Soundcloud)
Uhhhh yeah, this is definitely an AOTY candidate. If Expectations was already amazing, this is goddamn near epic. If you wonder why I put Gran Turismocore in the Genre, it's because the music seems so perfect for the game. Perfect for driving in a cold night, very fast and little lights.
Thank you for posting this! This album is epic!!!!